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What Are The Divorce Alternatives in Florida?

Divorce has always been difficult among spouses who plan to dissolve their marriage. In previous years, the only way for someone to end their marriage was to hire an experienced divorce attorney in Florida to win the battle in court. However, in recent years, the process of getting a divorce has changed significantly, making it easy for both parties to go through the breakup of an agonizing relation.

There are a number of divorce alternatives available to spouses in Florida. Some of the most popular methods are given below:

Uncontested Divorce

The most easiest, cheap, and fast method is to go forward with an uncontested divorce. In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree to end the divorce mutually. They don’t even need to hire a divorce lawyer in this case. Any one or both spouses can consult with a lawyer for advice, understand the process, and then work the practical details of the divorce with their spouse. The lawyer can then take care of all the “legalese” in the divorce case to make sure the paperwork is in order and is processed correctly.

Collaborative Divorce

Going for a collaborative divorce in Florida is another option. In this type of divorce, both parties agree that they will not go to trial and will work out the divorce mutually and politely. The parties agree on doing this by guaranteeing that they will agree to fire the lawyers involved in the negotiations if they are not successful in bringing the parties to an agreement.


Another common way of ending an uncomfortable divorce in Florida is to choose mediation. In mediation, both parties and their lawyers meet a third and independent divorce lawyer. This independent lawyer pushes both sides to settle their differences and reach a mutual agreement.

Pro Se Divorce

Another alternative available in Florida divorce cases is to choose Pro Se divorce. In this type of divorce, both parties represent themselves. They do not hire any lawyer. Many people handle their divorce case themselves, without hiring a lawyer. However, they may wish to get legal advice during the process. By consulting an attorney, they can understand the strategy and procedure to follow in order to reach an agreement with the other spouse. Getting help from a lawyer allows the individual to competently handle their divorce case, even if they are inexperienced in the law.

In order to find other divorce alternatives available in Florida and to get details about the above mentioned divorce alternatives, it is advised to bet in touch with a Florida divorce layer. The lawyer will help you decide which is the best option suited to your situation so you can end your marriage as quickly, as peacefully, and as smoothly as possible.